Avakian Ltd is looking to expand its trading partnerships with growers but also retailers throughout Europe.

We believe that mutual gains can be achieved when organisations are able to trade effectively. The geographical proximity between countries and the growing emphasis on deregulation, as it coming from the European Union and its member-states, means that trading partnerships are encouraged and can flourish to achieving mutual benefits.

Avakian Ltd operates under a trading policy that aims to ensure that any formal and informal interaction takes place within specific policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures help ensure a smooth working relationship with all our partners.

Our values, principles and methods of working, have enabled us to built a mutual understanding from the point that interest is expressed for each other’s business until the point the trading activity and its transactions are fully completed. We strongly believe that unless we share mutual corporate values with all our partners, then it is impossible to ensure that our agreements will not violated.

When importing as well as exporting our goods it is evident that risks remain considerable and uncertainty has to be properly managed through the right exchange of information. We are committed to developing long-term fruitful working relationships by investing in nurturing our understanding about our mutual corporate objectives, the challenges we face, and the different means by which we can tackle our obstacles.

Corporate policies and procedures when trading

Trading Agreement

Prior to purchasing dried nuts and fruits from growers or selling them to retailers Avakian Ltd has designed a trading agreement that needs to be fully accepted by our partners. The agreement outlines compliance to core trading principles like

a) The accuracy of the information communicated b) Meeting payment agreements c) Demonstrating compliance to national and international trade regulations, and d) Ensuring compensation on damages.

Our trading agreement is aimed at enhancing the quality of our collaboration with growers as well as retailers. We believe that through the proper exchange of information both parties can manage risks and improve their trustworthiness.

Information Sharing

The sharing of information remains a crucial precondition to developing successful partnership relations. The sharing of information remains important for developing knowledge and understanding with our partners.

The mutual transfer of information concerns the accurate communication of data regarding

a) the range of products sold, b) quality standards, c) methods of growing dried nuts and fruits (including the use of additives), d) delivery estimates, etc.

Our information sharing policy is to develop importing as well as exporting partnerships with both growers and retailers that demonstrate transparency. By ‘transparency’ we mean the nature of online and offline information communicated between us.

For example, any information regarding matters of legality and compliance should be possible to verify by reference to the appropriate regulative bodies. We will not work with partners that are seeking to disguise information or fail to demonstrate transparency in their exchange of information regardless of the means by which the information is communicated.

Credibility in trading

At Avakian Ltd we believe that a good trading record is evidence about the potentiality of any good future trading relationship. Prior to engaging with importing or exporting goods we will be interested in obtaining referrals from corporations that have worked with our partners.

In purchasing our products from growers, we are looking for credibility in claims made about

a) the volume of products that can be traded, b) the quality of the products sold, and c) meeting agreements on deadlines regarding the products’ delivery times.

Our decision to engage in partnerships inevitably relies on the information that our suppliers provide us with. Moreover, our trading relations are largely comprised of formal and informal conversations in which claims and disputes have to be addressed. Credibility needs to be demonstrated when product samples are exchanged. More importantly when payment agreements are made but which they are not kept.

We will take forceful legal action against suppliers and/or retailers that are seeking to capitalise on our good intentions for trading with no making payments, or with no delivering on the quality of the products sold.

Keeping Payment Agreements

Prior to buying or selling dried nuts and fruits we are obliged to create payment agreements in which the obligations of both parties has to be clearly outlined. Such agreements help secure that the mutual responsibilities of both parties are kept.

Clearance documents like bank-checks are also necessary in order to evaluate the risks but also take protection against initiatives for fraud. Our company’s policy is to demonstrate full compliance with trading policies as these are exercised by authorities within Greece but also the European Union. Unless the necessary documents are obtained from the relevant authorities, and when these are regarded as necessary, then Avakian Ltd will not trade its products and service with suppliers or retailers.

Any firm that is willing to engage in partnership with Avakian Ltd needs to accept the formalisation of payment agreements. All trading activities have to be complemented with the necessary invoices and receipts. We use online forms of communication in order to ease the exchange of such documentation but we nevertheless require it as part of our trading agreement.

Complying to European and National Regulations

In seeking to expand its trading relations with suppliers and retailers across Europe, Avakian Ltd takes into consideration policies on trading between members-states as these are designed and governed by the European Union.

Our exporting or importing activities will be governed by the necessary documentation. Such documentation includes the presentation of forms like

a) the Customs Value Declaration and b) Customs Import Declaration (SAD).

(For more information see

The accurate and transparent exchange of information between Avakian Ltd and its partners allows the building of corporate trust. Such trust eases the process of meeting challenges, and also fosters the pace of international trading. Moreover, it helps contribute to a credible corporate brand.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Avakian Ltd believes that any commercial activity has a wider impact on its local community but also physical environment.

Our corporate social responsibility strategy is to ensure compliance to ethical principles for all the stakeholders that are affected by our trading activities. Our strategy is to protect the environment by seeking to reduce waste and improve methods of recycling.

We are using recycled material for the packaging of our products. For example not only we recycle the large volume of cardboard boxes we use, but we also use them for packing our retail orders. Moreover, our company has managed to reduce its CO2 emissions by redesigning its delivery network throughout Greece, so that orders can be dispatched to more retailers whilst performing fewer journeys.